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Accessing properties using the server object

There are several methods to read or write object properties using the server object directly. The most common and recommended method is described below.

The AMDocumentRepository object implements the LoadPropertyValues method. The following code sample demonstrates how to read a set of property values using this method.

Dim PropertyValues As Variant

Dim PropertySet As AMPropertySet

Dim PropertyDefs As AMTableViewCollection

' First we need a collection of the properties that we are interested in

' This can be a property set....

Set PropertySet = dr.Environment.PropertySets.Item("Custom")

If Not PropertySet Is Nothing Then

    Set PropertyDefs = PropertySet.PropertyDefs

    ' Now we get an array with the property values for all properties in "Custom"

    PropertyValues = dr.LoadPropertyValuesEx(Document, PropertySet, eFailIfPDNotFound)

End If

Dim Company As Variant

    Dim ProjectNumber As Variant

    Dim Author As Variant

    ' In the array of values we need to find the property we need

    If IsArray(PropertyValues) Then

        ' We need to calculate the index of the property in the propertyset

        Company = PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("Company"))

        ProjectNumber = PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("ProjectNumber"))

        Author = PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("Author"))

    End If

The next code shows how to save changed property values back to the vault.

    PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("Company")) = "New Company"

    PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("ProjectNumber")) = "Next Project"

    PropertyValues(PropertyDefs.Index("Author")) = dr.User


    dr.SavePropertyValues Document, PropertySet, PropertyValues

The LoadPropertyValuesEx method is similar to LoadPropertyValues. But it can take string parameters to define the required properties. The code below shows how this can be used to retrieve property values.

    Dim PropertyNames(2) As String
    Dim PropertyValues As Variant

    ' We can use an array of property descriptors to define the properties that we are interested in
    PropertyNames(0) = "Custom.Company"
    PropertyNames(1) = "Custom.ProjectNumber"
    PropertyNames(2) = "Custom.Author"

    ' Now we get an array with the property values for the selected properties
    PropertyValues = dr.LoadPropertyValuesEx(Document, PropertyNames, eFailIfPDNotFound)

    Dim Company As Variant
    Dim ProjectNumber As Variant
    Dim Author As Variant

    ' In the array of values we need to find the property values
    If IsArray(PropertyValues) Then
        ' The indexes of the properties are the same as in 'PropertyNames'
        Company = PropertyValues(0)
        ProjectNumber = PropertyValues(1)
        Author = PropertyValues(2)

        ' To change a value we call SavePropertyValuesEx
        PropertyValues(0) = "New Company"
        Call dr.SavePropertyValuesEx( Document, PropertyNames, eFailIfPDNotFound, PropertyValues)
    End If

Related information

Using a tableview

Using the LoadProperties method